About Us

Our Company

The primary role of the NIC is to provide irrigation services to the agricultural sector.  Additionally, through our systems, water is made available to some industrial and commercial operations.

Our History

 An agency of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the NIC was established in 1986 and became operational in May 1987.

Our Corporate Vision and Mission

Our Objectives

NIC’s main objectives are to manage, operate, maintain and expand existing and future irrigation schemes and systems, as may be established by the Government of Jamaica.

NIC obtains its authority from the Irrigation Act 1949, which makes provision for the utilisation of water available for the irrigation of special areas in Jamaica, and for the conservation and use of subterranean water for purposes incidental to or connected with that purpose.

Section 4 (1) of the Irrigation Act grants the portfolio Minister the power, subject to an affirmative resolution by the House of Representatives, to licence a company to be the Irrigation Authority. Such company shall be responsible for the implementation of the provisions of the Irrigation Act in relation to all irrigation and restricted areas for 10 years.

The Minister has periodically granted such authority to NIC, the last being 2011.

NIC’s Main Functions Are:

  • To manage, operate, maintain and expand existing and future irrigation schemes and systems as may be established by the Government of Jamaica.
  • To provide drainage services in the Black River area, that is:
    1. that portion of the Black River including the banks thereof, from the sea to Lacovia Bridge
    2. the Upper Morass area
    3. the Y. S. River area
    4. the areas described in the Additional Areas (Parish of St. Elizabeth) Reclamation Order, 1953, published in the Jamaica Gazette Supplement Proclamations, Rules and Regulations on the 26th day of January, 1953; and such other areas in the parish of St. Elizabeth as the Minister may, by order, specify for the purposes of Irrigation Act
  • To fix and collect the rates or charges and to be paid for the use of such water.

The company operates ten (10) irrigation schemes in five (5) irrigated areas prescribed by the Irrigation Act. The Chief Executive Officer, as the responsible and accountable officer, manages the day-to day-operations of the Agency.


The Divisions/Units of the NIC are:

  • Commercial Operations
  • Engineering and Technical Services
  • Corporate & Legal Services
  • Finance & Corporate Planning
  • Management Information Systems
  • Public Relations
  • Internal Audit
  • Project Unit

Section 5 of the Irrigation Act

Section 5 of the Irrigation Act stipulates the general duties of the NIC:

  1. To make such investigations and surveys and do such work as may be necessary for the preparation of and to prepare and submit to the Minister one or more provisional irrigation schemes in relation to an irrigation area.
  2. To do all such acts or things as may be necessary to be done to give effect to any confirmed irrigation scheme.
  3. To manage, control and operate, subject to any directions given by the Minister, any irrigation works  established in an irrigation area under any confirmed irrigation scheme and the distribution of water under such scheme.
  4. To make such investigations to any matter affecting or relating to the irrigation of an irrigation area or any irrigation works therein as may be required by the Minister and if so required or without being so required if the Authority consider it expedient so to do to make recommendations to the Minister upon any such matter.
  5. To prepare and submit to the Minister for approval a reclamation scheme in relation to an irrigation area.

All rates and fees charged for irrigation water by the NIC, by virtue of its licence, are determined by the Office of Utilities Regulation acting on advice of the Commission and subject to the approval of the Minister.

Sources of NIC’s Irrigation Water

  • Rivers
  • Wells
  • Mini-reservoirs
  • Dams

NOTICE: The water provided by the NIC is non-potable (untreated). Persons are discouraged  from using it for domestic purposes.

Mr. Vitus Evans


Mrs. Venice Williams -Gordon

Corporate Secretary

Mrs. Theresa Turner Flynn

Board Member

Mr. Ralden Bellanfante

Board Member

Ms. Andrea Allen

Board Member

Ms. Amelia Gordon

Board Member

Ms. Genille Attalla

Board Member

Ms. Petronia Colley

Board Member

Mr. Adrian Chin

Board Member

Mr. Harvey D’Aguilar

Board Member

Mr. Peter Clarke

Board Member

Mr. Dramaine Jones

Board Member

Mr. Julian C.S. Morrison

Board Member

Dr. Steve Whyte

Board Member

Mr. Kenneth Brown

Board Member

Mr. Joseph Gyles, JP

Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Maxine Brown

Director of Administration & Human Resources

Mr. Rohan Stewart

Director of Engineering & Technical Services

Mrs. Lillian Smith

Director of Finance and Corporate Planning

Mr. Wayne Barrett

Director, Commercial Operations

Mr. Wayne Williams

Project Director (Acting)

Our Departments

Commercial Operations

The objective of this division is to expand the customer base, maximise the collection of revenue and ensure customer satisfaction.

  • Customer service
  • Water sales and drainage charges
  • Customer complaints
  • Irrigation water applications

Engineering and Technical Services

The corporate objective of this division is to improve efficiencies in procurement, conveyance and delivery of irrigation water to enhance the quality and reliability of service.

  • Production and distribution of irrigation water to our customers
  • Development engineering designs and implementation irrigation projects
  • Implementation of the energy management programme throughout the organisation
  • Repair and maintenance of NIC’s irrigation network as well as the fabrication and installation of measuring devices and regulatory structures
  • Provision of drainage services and maintenance as stipulated by the Irrigation Act
  • Security monitoring across irrigation districts to protect both staff and equipment

Corporate and Legal Services

 The objective of this division is:

  1. To develop a cadre of professionals through human resource programmes which support and expand staff competencies and ultimately enhance the sustainable delivery of service to our customers.
  2. Implement and monitor the administrative systems, procedures and policies of the Commission; to ensure protection of its assets and legal rights and to provide an efficient support system through general office services.

  • Administrative and General Services
  • Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
  • Legal Services
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Property and Transport

Finance and Corporate Planning

The objective of this division is the development of financial management systems to provide accurate, reliable, timely and relevant information for decision-making, to ensure the financial resources are optimally developed to drive service delivery.

  • Finance
  • Procurement
  • Inventory
  • Fixed Assets

Management Information Systems

The objective of the division is to use information and communication technology to enable improvements in NIC’s business processes and provide support services to achieve corporate goals.

Major Functions include:

  • Ensuring efficient systems administration
  • Developing and implementing Information Technology ( IT) infrastructure
  • Administering the operations of IT systems and software
  • Maintaining Geographic Information Systems

Internal Audit

The objective of this division is to:

  • Conduct independent systematic reviews, assessing the risks and evaluating the controls designed to address those risks, thus providing management with the assurance that its operations are being conducted effectively, efficiently and economically.
  • Establish systematic, disciplined approaches to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, controls and governance processes.

Project Unit

The objective of this unit is to increase the area under irrigated agriculture as well as improve existing irrigation schemes in Jamaica in alliance with the strategic goals of the NIC and the related policies of the Government of Jamaica.

The unit identifies suitable projects and funding, then develops those projects through the phases, from conceptualisation to final implementation and handover.  In order to achieve its objective, the unit collaborates with public and private sector entities as well as international funding agencies.

  • Identification and assessment of project areas throughout the agricultural belt
  • Project preparation, from concept to approval
  • Identification of project funding sources and assistance with completing applications
  • Project delivery

Public Relations

The objectives of this unit are to:

  • Inform and educate the public about the scope of work and achievements of the NIC
  • Use information and communication as avenues for closer interaction with farmers and other water users
  • Maintain a consistent flow of information regarding the NIC to all stakeholders and target groups so as to promote the services of the NIC
  • Work with segments of the print and electronic media to assist the NIC in reaching the wider public
  • Collaborate with all NIC divisions/units in order to glean relevant information to enhance communication flow internally and externally

The NIC’s Public Relations programme targets the relevant ministries, agricultural agencies and groups, customers, international agencies and the general public.